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Two Biohacks Proven to Enhance Your Life, Fitness, and Health

Explore two biohacking methods with proven benefits explained by Dr. Sean Hiller.
Written by
Sean Hiller
Published on
May 28, 2024

What is Biohacking?

Biohacking can be confusing due to its vague definition. If you Google "biohacking," Oxford Languages defines it as "the activity of exploiting genetic material experimentally without regard to accepted ethical standards, or for criminal purposes." This definition, with terms like "exploiting" and "experimentally," isn't very clear.

In truth, we biohack every day by taking vitamins, protein powder, creatine, engaging in strength training, cardio, and following specific dietary approaches. These activities directly affect our biological makeup. However, when we think of biohacking, we usually envision something more advanced, like the efforts of Bryan Johnson, not just basic activities like sleeping, eating, and working out.

Focusing on biohacking as we typically envision it, using tools and aids to enhance our bodies beyond everyday activities, we need to ask: is there research-backed efficacy? Here, we present the two most proven biohacks that can significantly improve your body. These are not just supported by case studies or anecdotal research but by systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

#2: The Wim Hof Method of Thermoregulation

Wim Hof, known as "The Iceman," has gained fame for a type of training that seems insane to many: the Wim Hof breathing method and ice water immersion. The world was astonished by his ability to swim under ice, endure prolonged full-body contact with ice, and run barefoot half marathons on ice and snow. Scientists studied Hof to understand how he could seemingly break a basic rule of human biology.

The human nervous system has two main components:

1. Somatic Nervous System: Controls voluntary actions like movement and sensory perception.

2. Autonomic Nervous System: Regulates involuntary functions like thermoregulation and the immune system, traditionally considered beyond conscious control.

Studies on Wim Hof revealed that he could control his autonomic nervous system, particularly thermoregulation, allowing him to adjust his internal body temperature at will. This finding was groundbreaking.

Hof's method involves extreme cold exposure, which, through training, enables individuals to control their body temperature. Much like how regular exercise enhances control over the somatic nervous system, cold exposure training gives greater control over the autonomic nervous system. This method also appears to boost the immune system, enabling practitioners to fight off sickness and disease more effectively.

Though the exact mechanisms remain unclear, the results are undeniable. Wim Hof offers several courses on his method, inspiring many to try cold water immersion.

#1: Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training has been around for nearly a decade, initially making waves with claims of making athletes stronger, more powerful, and improving aerobic capacity simultaneously. BFR purportedly allows athletes to increase strength by working out with just a third of their usual weight and significantly boosts VO2 max, which measures the body's ability to use oxygen.

BFR training enables athletes to gain strength and enhance aerobic conditioning more efficiently than traditional methods. Research supports these claims, showing that BFR training can improve strength 67% faster and significantly enhance aerobic capacity. For example, sprinters using BFR performed better in competitions, and aerobic athletes showed strength improvements typically not seen in their training.

BFR works by restricting blood flow during exercise, which creates a challenging environment for muscles, prompting them to adapt and grow stronger with less weight. This technique is particularly beneficial in rehabilitation settings, helping patients recover when traditional methods fail.

In my physical therapy practice, BFR has become a cornerstone, delivering tremendous results. It's helped rehabilitate individuals and enhanced athletic performance. Studies even suggest that BFR can prevent brain size reduction in comatose patients, highlighting its profound impact.

Conclusion: Is Biohacking Legitimate?

Yes, biohacking is a legitimate field of study with valid methods that can enhance your body. While some biohacking claims are dubious, tools like the Wim Hof Method and BFR Training have substantial scientific backing. These techniques offer innovative ways to improve fitness, health, and overall well-being.

For more on how to use BFR and other biohacking tools, check out our other videos and resources at You can also subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking here. By exploring and utilizing these methods, you can take control of your biology and enhance your life in remarkable ways.

If you are in the Birmingham, Alabama  area and would like to learn more about Blood Flow Restriction and get started with BFR training, you can learn more about BFR Training at Vulcan Performance by clicking here.

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