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The Early Armbend Pitfall

Toes will be stepped on with this one.  Early arm-bend is a technique (or fault) that is commonly used to mask poor positioning and lack of body control.  The truth is, if you are bending slightly early then you are leaking power, if you are bending very early then your are hemorrhaging power. If the name of the game is efficiency under the bar then an early arm bend can never be advocated.  Check out the video below for an in-depth explanation of what is happening with this fault.
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How Breathing Stabilizes Your Squat

Ever feel floppy when you squat heavy?  Do you have a massive butt wink at the bottom of the hole?  Do your pull-ups feel sloppy? Many times the most "core" issue we have with any movement is the inability to breathe effectively during that movement.  We don't know how to breathe.  We must learn to breathe while our core is contracted.  This video talks about just that. This is key to developing functional strength and power.
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How to Fix a Rib Dislocation: Relief Today

If you have ever had an injured rib than you know just how debilitating it can be. Breathing is terrible, sneezing is unbearable. Sometimes it can correct itself quickly, other times it takes some work. Either way, these steps will help you along the way. 👉Band Recommendations: ✅Gunsmith Fitness Bands: ✅Bowmar Resistance Bands: 👉Foam Roller Recommendations: ✅LivingFit: ✅iRecovery: 👉Squat Rack Recommendations: ✅Sports and Fitness Exchange Full Power Rack: ✅Freedom Fitness Half Rack: 👉Dumbell Recommendations: ✅Sports and Fitness Exchange: ✅Avionnti Adjustable Dumbell: FOLLOW US --------------------------------------------------- Website: FB: /vulcanmovement IG: @vulcanmovement #RibDislocationRehab #RecoveringFromRibInjury #RibDislocationRecovery #RibInjuryRehabilitation #RibDislocationExercises #PhysicalTherapyForRibInjury
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4 Everyday Movement Changes for Better Positioning

Lots of times we can begin to alter how we think about the movement by making simple, easy changes. Movement is no different. Make progression by small changes.
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