Welcome to Impetus Health!
We connected with Strength Coach Alyssa Parten and did and Instagram Live on this topic of Training through an injury. Sean and Alyssa started working together in the strength and physical therapy realm to help Alyssa return to power lifting after having a baby (her son Koen) earlier this year.
Alyssa currently holds the powerlifting State records for her weight class in the Deadlift and has an incredible company, LadyBeef, in which she programs and trains people in powerlifting and strength and conditioning.
You can check out Alyssa online at her instagram @alyssaparten and her website https://ladybeefinc.com/links/
Let us know what you think!
Welcome to impetus health! In this episode, Sean and Ellie discuss their experience as a married couple competing in the CrossFit quarterfinals and then semifinals. We reminisce on some of the moments of tension as husband and wife training together and competing together (thankfully we are laughing about it now!) We hope you enjoy this episode and it makes you laugh along the way!