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Impetus Health: "The Bull Didn't Win" The Story of Jacob Browder

Welcome to Impetus Health! This is a special episode for us. This is the story of a friend of ours, Jacob Browder. Jacob suffered a TBI from a bull-riding accident but guess what... the Bull Didn't Win! He and his mother have an incredible story of hard work and determination. He has conquered many things and he still has more to go. We discuss his story and the role the healthcare system played in his story (the good and the bad). Fascinating insight from the perspective of the patient. Let us know what you think, if you want to know more about Jacob and his story, he and his mother have written a Book on what they have been through and the perspective it has given them. Links below. Book Website: LinkTree: Instagram: @jacob_browder #enhancewhatmovesyou
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Impetus Health: What is Pain? and What Does Pain Mean to Us? W/ Kyle Thibodeaux

Welcome to Impetus Health! In this episode, we are speaking with Dr. Kyle Thibodeaux PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS of Refine PT and Performance in Mobile Alabama. Kyle is an expert in the human body from an injury and performance side of things but he is also very knowledgable in the area of pain and how pain manifests in the body. We discuss many topics on pain and what pain means when we experience it and what are we to do when pain is perceived? Great episode and if you want to know more about Kyle you can check out his company, Refine PT and performance at on Instagram @refineptp Hope you guys enjoy the show! #enhancewhatmovesyou
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Impetus Health: The Role of Fitness in Healthcare with Jake Naumcheff

Welcome to Impetus Health! In this episode, we talk with a true fitness programming virtuoso, Jake Naumcheff -CF-L1, CF-PowerLifting, CF-Gymnastics, CF-OlympicLifting, NSCA, TPI-L1, TPI-L2- about the relationship of Fitness and Healthcare and how we can better blend the two. Jake is also the owner of CrossFit Laminin and Welded Fitness. We discuss quite a few topics but the focus is on how do we implement health and fitness into the best version of our life. Hope you guys enjoy! If you would like to know more about Jake's businesses: CrossFit Laminin and Welded Fitness visit their website at and You can also follow Jake on Instagram @jnaum220 #impetushealth
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Impetus Health: Episode 1- Pilot

Episode 1 of the Impetus Health Podcast. These podcasts are created to spark conversation and thought on how to make our health and our system of healthcare better. And move healthcare from reactive to proactive. Episode 1 expounds upon this vision and tells a bit about your hosts! Sean Hiller is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach, and CrossFit Level 1 Coach, and former Collegiate Athlete. Sean is the Owner of Birmingham Alabama based physical therapy company, Vulcan Performance Rehabilitation and Recovery. Ellie Hiller, Sean's Wife, is a Registered Nurse, Nutritionist, CrossFit Level 1 Coach, and Ellie has competed at high levels in the fitness and performance industry. Ellie is the Head of the Nutrition Division of Vulcan Performance Rehabilitation and Recovery Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments on our website at or To see more episodes visit our website or visit
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Impetus Health: Episode 2- Nutrition to Fuel What Moves You with Ellie Hiller

Episode 2 of Impetus Health. All things Nutrition with our very own, Ellie Hiller. We discuss how to apply nutrition, where nutrition falls in the entire healthcare system, and how we can change our mindset to empower our nutrition.
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Jeff Plagenhoef Story

Dr. Jeff Plagenhoef, MD, FASA Testimonial
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Are Your Ankles Getting in Your Way?

"My ankles keep turning out when I squat! How can I fix this?" We get this a lot and the ankles can receive lots of bad press for being tight. Truth is, the ankles will respond to how we train them but how donwe train them? The body uses pre-programmed patterns to achieve a task, this video is describing how we can have a focus on the ankles while programming our body for better movement. Check it out and let us know what you think. #enhancewhatmovesyou #strengthandconditioning #ankletraining #crossfit #functionalfitness #birminghamalabama #bhamal #mountainbrook #movementpatterns #bodyprogram #training
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