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Can I Push Past Pain?  Understanding Pain and... Wim Hof?

Pain is one of the most misunderstood aspects of our bodies out there. Pain is not the problem, it's a symptom. A symptom that may not be linked to any damage at all. Here is some info on pain that is definitely worth a read from Kyle Thibodeaux: Also, this is the website for all the craziness that is Wim Hof, extremely interesting:
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How Hydration Affects My Mind and Body

So we all know water is important and you just don't feel as good or perform as well as you do when you're adequately hydrated. But just how important is hydration? It's dramatic and the research is scary. This is a research-rich video and we are taking from several different studies on the true importance of hydration in physical performance and mental performance.
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Tight Upper Back: How to Loosen It Up

Have a tight back? Can't rotate or look up very well? Try these techniques!
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Neck is Pinching and Restricted Fix

If you have issues with your neck, try some of these techniques. Could change your world.
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My Back Pain is Killing Me. What do I do?

Do you have terrible back pain? This video could be your first steps to being pain free. This is for you guys who have it bad. Give these things a try and click on the next video to keep pushing the pain away. Learn more at Follow Vulcan: @vulcanmovement Follow Sean: @seanhiller_phsyio
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Addressing Low Back and SI pain

If you have back pain or SI pain this video can give you the tools you need to begin to dissipate that pain and also progress you functionally. Try and may the pain leave you!
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Low Back Mobility to Stability Warm Up

Does your back bother you or feel locked up? Try the movements in this video to get you moving again.
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How to Exercise Properly and What to Do

some “quick fixes” or, more accurately stated “how to make your anatomy and body work for you” tips. This is about the knee but can also be used at various joints in the body to GET YOURSELF OUT OF THE PAIN CAVE. We talk about how to move around knee pain while standing up and going up stairs. The principles here can be translated through all kinds of movements. p.s. When in doubt, poke the butt out. (aka. When going up stairs or standing up, do a deadlift hinge or drive through your heel to do it.)
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How to Stretch & Good General Stretches for Different Areas of Body

I want to cover some of the stretches in your manual and I have created a video to go into detail of each stretch in the manual so we can get the most out of our mobility and make sure we are not wasting time, but we are making the most of our time. 6 min Video.
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