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The Importance of a Hip Hinge

The hip hinge is the foundation of movement for almost everything we do. Often times when someone is injured we find that if we can correctly teach and train a hip hinge that translates into their life, not just during practice. Many times we can limit pain while training proper movement for rehabilitative purposes or training purposes (which are really one in the same). Also, hitting heavy weight doesn't automatically mean that you have a great hit hinge, there is always room to grow.
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Conversation On Breathing Techniques While Running

Today we are giving a shout out to the faithful athletes who participated in our Vulcan Run Summit yesterday at Protective Life. In this video we are flashing back to a conversation we had about breathing and breathing while running. Breathing while we are doing anything, is indicative of how efficient we are at that movement or pattern. The pattern we want to advocate is the pattern of feeling the belly then the chest then maybe the neck if we can enter that much of our capacity. But give it a watch and listen and hope you enjoy
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Efficient Burpee Movement

Faithful Friday: as we get into the beginning of the open, the second open for this year, we start off with 10 rounds of a snatches in 10 burpees. So let's improve those burpees to half a better workout. Sean talks about how to make your burpees more efficient and lets you have a higher score on the open while protecting your body and protecting your knees.
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Conversation on inversion tables

Sean shares his opinion on the use of inversion tables
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